Why Godly Women Collective? In our Founder's own words...
"When I embarked on my Heart Transformation journey in 2016, it was a gentle daily walk with the Holy Spirit, diligently leaning in to His teachings, counseling, guidance, and correction. The more I allowed my heart to receive what God's will was for me through the Word, most times kicking and screaming that Jesus's way was hard (lol), the more I felt healed and whole. Still, there was something missing. I was caught up in cycles of dysfunction, depression, and disobedience. Then one day, the Lord, gently reminded me that healing and holiness must go together. As a trained Therapist, I know how the counseling and therapy world operates. My spirit rejected a lot of the secular methods of healing because from my own experience as a Christian, the Holy Spirit helped break the cycles where secular therapy and counseling only kept me in (behavior modification). Healing and holiness must go together because it is the Truth, and we must desire this path of becoming like Christ for true inner peace; i.e., if we truly believe that He is our Lord and Savior. Godly Women Collective - Godly Woman & Company Ministries - this organization is pioneering something big, something that is beyond me and I pray that the mission continues for generations to come. This is my assignment from God, to spread His Truth through helping women and girls, men and boys heal and be holy, He started with one (me) and now, continues on with every dear sister and (someday a dear brother) who chooses this path"
Kate A. Coker-Daisie
Founder| Godly Woman & Company Ministries
Through biblical counseling, life coaching, teaching, discipleship, and mentoring, you are challenged to grow your intimacy with Jesus, heal your heart and find life balance in all areas of your life. You focus on spiritual, mental, emotional and relational wellness. You are joining a community of dear sisters who are intentional and diligent about doing the heart work with God, grit and good grace (not good grief).

Why Join?
...because this is your time to live truly and fully FREE in Christ in all areas of life!
Sometimes all your heart needs is an encouraging Word, prayer, a boost of support, a good laughter, a listening ear, or accountability to keep you going. Sometimes we need a safe space to just be with ourselves, be with God, open our hearts to God’s presence and be hope filled in the opportunities and challenges we walk through in life.
If you are looking for a safe space and community to heal from mental, emotional, relational and spiritual challenges, process what God is up to in your life, gain deep understanding of Scriptures, feel balanced in your life with biblically-sound practical tools, then you are in the right place.
Welcome to our Heart Transformation Academy! We teach and train practical application of Biblical Truths [what we call Practical Pathways] which will encourage true discipleship with Jesus, activate complete healing of mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational issues. Members intentionally pursue and choose healing AND holiness accepting Jesus as their Lord and authority AND His Word as true. As Jesus heals your heart, you become sanctified - which is your true calling as a Christian.
Regarding the Enrollment Process: Our community is administered through a third-party platform. It is important to complete the entire process using your internet browser instead of the app and check your emails (including junk inbox). Ensure that you answer all questions when submitting your subscription.

Group: This plan is open to all women and girls who desire to pursue a relationship with God and explore healing. Bible Heart Talks are designed to be authentic in-community Biblical teachings and conversations about our faith and how we thrive as Christian women - moms, wives, daughters, friends etc. This is not your average small group because it is a Community and a Coach approach. We are about healing and holiness, growing in discipleship to go out and impact others.
- Join our monthly live Bible Heart Talks focused on (Building, Rebuilding, Thriving Faith through the combination of biblical studies and Wellspring Conversations).
- Subscribe to newsletter to receive special code to weekly lives.
- Access to 52-week Heart work Journal accountability
- Access to Godly Women Collective general members community space.
- Access to blogs, weekly Newsletter.
- Access to weekly podcast teachings.
For our dear sister needing a transformational spiritual, mental, emotional and relational healing. We meet your needs through coaching, training and mentorship. You have been through some things in life which causes you to live in cycles of health and dysfunction, emotional deadness, tiredness, depression, anxiety, rejection, to name a few. You desire the Word of God to heal your heart. You believe that Jesus has called you to live free and godly. You are intentional about your journey with God and you choose healing and holiness.
-1:1 monthly 30-minute mentorship session with your Biblical Facilitator.
- Participate in our bespoke biblically curated group 'HOPE' Training and Wellspring Conversations program. You will Heal and thrive in Christ, Opt in to loving Jesus, Pursue the God things, Engage the Holy Spirit to be and become the godly woman using your spiritual gifts and natural talents.
- Access live weekly Bible Heart Talks and Life Enrichment Q&A sessions.
- Access digital community discussions and encouragement with your dear sisters.
- Access all Postured plan benefits
(Cost Varies)
Group: This plan is open to all Godly Women Collective members and non-members who believe and desire to be pruned by the Holy Spirit. Community members in Postured and Planted get 10% discount applied to enrollment in these experiences. Pruned Experiences are launched as workshops, small group retreats, regular sized retreat, conferences and 21 - 40 - 90 - day transformational journeys. Prospective members can join the community during open enrollment only.
Examples of our Pruned Experiences:
- 5 or 10-day Intensives
- Live Zoom intentional Heart Work small group sessions each year
- Annual 3-Day get-away Heart Work Intensive (limited to 5 women each year)
- Annual Live group Healing Heart Habits Coaching Conversations workshop with Master Facilitators
- Wellspring Life Retreats (limited 20 women)
- Conferences, Workshops
- Collaborated events
Can I Cancel Anytime?

While we don't want to see you go, we understand. Certainly! Postured plan members can cancel monthly subscription anytime to be effective the following month. Planted members need to send request 30-days prior to date of intended membership cancellation.
Send an email to