Godly Woman & Company was birthed in the heart of a young woman in the early summer of 2016 before it materialized into a 501(c)(3) in Spring of 2020. It took Kate Coker-Daisie, the Founder and President, four years of obediently, and then disobediently, and then obediently again heeding to the promptings of God through the Holy Spirit.
The anointing came upon her at the tender age of twelve and took twenty 'something' years for her appointment to be established. Kate, through a series of revelations completed a personal heart transformation journey where she availed herself and her heart to God. It was a time when she felt lost, broken and unfulfilled in her marriage of seven years and in life....
On the outside, she had it all – a great husband, beautiful children, thriving career BUT internally, she was empty. Something was missing, her heart was conditioned to love a certain way – trust to a fault, trust to a degree, conditional love, you cross her she cuts you out kind of love.
This was not good, Kate knew there was a greater love and in order to experience such love, she had to go back in time and unearth every layer of hurts caused through sexual and physical abuse from her childhood. Painfully, yet trusting in God’s process Kate opened her heart to Romans 8, gave permission to the Holy Spirit to return to her heart. Such transformation revived her marriage, how she related with others and her overall being.
Finding the call to live the purpose of helping other women set FREE – Faithfully Renewed Encourage Exceptional – too big, Kate initially retreated to her comfort zone, but God persisted, then insisted. Kate finally embraced this purpose. Today, she and other Godly women have come together operating in God’s Word and Truth to see others experience the joys and freedom that is in store.
These anchor scriptures 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Romans 8, Romans 12:2, Romans 12:12, 1 Corinthians 13 and Philippians 3:12-14 have been a pillar of encouragement for Kate and many dear sisters. Godly Woman & Company Ministries' focus is for you to “heal your heart and pursue holiness with God, grit and good grace (not good grief)”